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- Tue, 02 FebParliament HouseJoin us at Parliament House lawns in Canberra on 2 Feb to continue the momentum for our #GreenRecoveryNow petition.
- Tue, 02 FebParliament HouseParliament will be returning on 2 February and Canberra's climate action groups will be there again lining the streets to "welcome" them back! Stop Adani Canberra will be covering the Melbourne Ave entrance to Parliament and XR ACT will be covering the Kings Ave entrance.
- Mon, 09 NovParliament HouseWear blue and line the streets to Parliament in support of Zali Steggall's #ClimateActNow bill
- Mon, 24 AugThe Peoples Climate AssemblyParliament returns on 24 August and we will be there to "welcome" them back!
- Sun, 28 JuneOnline EventAn event sure to inspire you and help you take your first (or second) step towards climate activism!
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